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SALT 'Data Credit' System
SALT 'Data Credit' System

Learn about SALT's Data Credit system as it applies to data retrieval & submissions.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

In 2024, SALT adjusted our data billing process by introducing the new pre-purchase Data Credit system whereby SALT Agencies can apply their SALT Data Credits at their discretion to acquire the desired data and maximize efficiency.

How the 'Data Credit System' Works

Data credits are consumed when one of the following takes place. ⤵️

  1. A data report is retrieved from one of our Big Data Vendors:
    - Estated (home/property data)
    - Fenris (driver/auto data)

  2. A submission is processed past the submission allotment included with a SALT subscription. (i.e. You won't be charged a data credit for processing submissions until after your monthly allotment has been used.)

SALT offers an array of Data integration tools that operate from a "Data-as-a-Service" approach. As stated above, our integration tools responsible for returning integration data reports are Estated (home/property data), and Fenris (driver/auto data).

The Estated & Fenris integrations can be configured on a "per form" basis. (i.e. You can have them active on one form, and inactive on another.)

Note: Receiving data from our Big Data Vendors is completely optional, and your agency can choose whether or not to utilize them.

When the Estated/Fenris integrations are active on your account and within a form, the SALT app will redeem the required data credits for that DaaS vendor's payload, according to the table below.

Vendor Credit Cost:

DaaS Vendor

Data Credits

Estated (Property data)


Fenris (Auto/driver data)


SALT Submission (After limit reached)


*MeasureOne (Dec Pages)


[*Beta Stage - Currently free; will require 2 credits once officially launched.]

"Big Data" Integration Reports -

Purchasing a Data Credit package enables you to access our optional Data Provider integrations, allowing you to retrieve auto/home data reports and dec pages. Your credit balance will be allocated across these features.

Fenris & Estated -

When active, the Fenris and Estated integration partners retrieve and return integration data reports (pictured below) that we then attach to a submission. (Tap here to learn more about our Big Data Vendors.)

Fenris returns auto and driver data while Estated is responsible for returning home data.

*MeasureOne -

When enabled, the MeasureOne integration allows you to add an optional step to your Forms. This step automates the retrieval of dec pages through SALT and attaches them directly to submissions for seamless processing. (Tap here to learn more about MeasureOne.)

Again, these integrations are completely optional and their use is not mandated or required. You're welcome to deactivate these integrations here if you'd like to.

[*Beta Stage - Currently free; will require 2 credits once officially launched.]

Submission Allotment -

In addition to the Big Data Vendor reports, Data Credits will also be redeemed once you've reached your submission limit included with your subscription.

1 Data Credit will be redeemed for each submission processed after the limit was reached (applicable to both consumer-submitted & agency-generated submissions).

[Note: The soft cap will be reset every month. Submissions do not roll over.]

Purchase & Usage Info

Purchasing Data Credits -

Admins/Owners can purchase Data Credits, view their agency’s Data Credit usage, and set up auto-reload by navigating to the billing section.

SALT Data Credits will need to be pre-purchased. Data Credits are priced at $1/ea with discounts available when purchased in bulk.

The Purchase Data Credits window provides an approximation of what we project you will use the following month based on previous usage. Selecting “Show Data Credit Cost by Vendor” will allow you to see a breakdown of the cost for each vendor.

Automatic Reload -

We’ve provided the option for agencies to set up auto-reload so they don’t have to worry about running out of Data Credits and interrupting service flow.

View Agency Data Credit Usage -

You can filter Data Credit usage by period, date, or source using the filter pictured below. You’ll see credits spent across all sources, as well as the amount spent for each specific data vendor and SALT submission.


When will my credits be used?

SALT data credits are redeemed in 1 of 4 instances:

  1. Estated - property report returned

  2. Fenris - auto/driver report returned

  3. *MeasureOne - Dec Pages returned

  4. Submissions processed past limit/allotment (1 credit per submission past 300)

    [*Beta Stage - Currently free; will require 2 credits once officially launched.]

What if I run out of data credits?

To help prevent agencies from running out of credits and experiencing interrupted service, agencies can opt-in to auto-reload data credits. This feature allows agencies to:

  • Select the low-balance target that triggers a reload

  • Select the number of credits they would like to purchase during an auto-reload

How often does an agency need to purchase data credits?

An agency can purchase data credits at its discretion. SALT will notify you when your data credit balance is low via email and banner notifications. We provide an auto-reload feature that agencies can opt-in to, helping prevent you from running out of credits.

Why do some Vendors require more data credits than others?

Data credit usage is determined by the price set by the data vendor combined with SALT's internal expense for developing and sustaining the API integrations.

These integrations are responsible for retrieving, utilizing, and exporting said data through custom connections with SALT's supported comparative raters and services like Zapier.

What is a "qualified" submission?

A qualified submission represents a submission with valid contact info in SALT. The following are the requirements for a submission to be qualified:

  • A consumer submission with contact info (email or phone number)

  • Any Agency Generated Submission

What if I have no data credits when I'm about to pass the "submission limit?"

If your agency has no available data credits and is approaching the monthly submission limit, the SALT app will notify you that your form will be disabled once your balance hits zero (0). You can prevent this by purchasing a block of data credits or setting your submission overage settings to either temporarily or always use data credits for overages.

Do data credits ever expire?

No, credits don’t expire.

What if my agency processes more than the allotted submissions included in my subscription?

Submissions processed after the limit is reached will begin redeeming 1 data credit per submission.

If you process more than 500 submissions annually, please contact the sales team to discuss custom pricing.

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