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Big Data Providers [Estated/Fenris]
Big Data Providers [Estated/Fenris]

Learn all about our Big Data vendors and what these data collection tools mean to you as an agent.

Updated over 7 months ago

SALT offers an array of Data integration tools that operate from a "Data-as-a-Service" approach. Our top two integration tools utilized for Big Data collection are:

  • Estated - Property Data

  • Fenris - Vehicle/Driver Data

Each of these tools allows customers to immediately connect to an existing third-party platform when valid info is entered and pulls the requested information with ease.

The integration data reports transfer seamlessly into your existing SALT platform which stores the retrieved data within the associated submission.

Some of the info included in these reports will then fill into your consumer's SALT Submission information.

The auto & driver data collected from Fenris reports can include details like the vehicle's make, model, year, and VIN. The customer will then verify the correct info which we then sync to the submission.

The property data included in the Estated report contains basic home specifications as well as foundation info, roof type, building materials, etc. For home quotes, we will prefill details like the year built, square footage, number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and stories. All of these attributes sync directly to the submission.

Activating Estated/Fenris Integrations

To enable these integration add-ons and begin extracting the data you need with ease, navigate to and select Enable Integration.

Manage Monthly Limit

Because this is a paid integration add-on, we anticipate some agencies may want to limit their usage. Selecting Adjust Limit under the appropriate integration will allow you to adjust the monthly limit your agency is allowed to request. Once that limit is reached, SALT will prevent additional credits from being spent until the following month.

Other Integration Settings

Selecting the Details option will allow you to adjust a few other available settings such as which forms these integrations are being utilized on, and advanced configurations like "restricted states" and "out of state IP addresses."

Restricted States

Within the Fenris Details section, you'll see one more option: "Allow Fenris searches in restricted states." This setting is in place to prevent SALT subscribers from being charged for Fenris requests when the client is located in a listed "Restricted State."

If desired, you're able to bypass this setting by checking the box next to this option, which will allow a Fenris request to be initiated, even for those located in restricted states.

IP State Verification

SALT will automatically block requests when a customer's IP address is different from their reported address state. This setting protects you from being charged data credits when we deem a submission as "suspicious" or "suspected spam."

If there's a legitimate reason for the discrepancy (i.e. travel, etc.), the application can still be completed and agents can then manually run the Fenris search if desired.

Utilization and Pricing

To utilize Estated/Fenris, each agency will need to pre-purchase SALT Data Credits from their billing section. Data Credits are priced at $1/ea. Discounts are available when data credits are purchased in bulk.

















Data credits will be redeemed when information is retrieved from our DaaS Providers.

Note: These integration tools are not mandated, and your agency can choose whether or not to utilize them.

Vendor Credit Cost

DaaS Vendor

Data Credits






What Are the Benefits of Using Estated and/or Fenris?

With these integration tools, agents can collect extensive property, vehicle, and driver data that can significantly enhance the decision-making process for an independent insurance agent.

The data collected from Fenris can include details like the vehicle's make, model, year, and VIN. This allows the agent to understand a vehicle's features, safety ratings, susceptibility to damage, and repair costs, which are all critical factors in determining insurance premiums.

The property data collected from Estated can include details like home specifications, including foundation, roof type, building material, etc., also critical datapoints in determining insurance premiums for a client.

Can I print/download an Estated or Fenris report?

While the ability to print/download an Estated or Fenris report is doable, this function is not currently optimized within the SALT platform.

We intend to improve on this in the future, but at the time, you may experience some funky formatting/cropping when printing or downloading a Fenris report.

Can I test Fenris without being charged a data credit?

Fenris (unlike Estated) will bill for every pull unless one of the following criteria is met:

  • There is an error message present

  • An incorrect address is associated with the pull

  • Sample data (addresses that don't exist/won't standardize) is used

Tap here to access "sample data" that can be used to sample the Fenris Data Pull process at no cost to your agency.

Why doesn't Fenris return data in my state?

Certain states have restrictions due to the privacy/information laws specific to that state. The restricted states that affect the auto API are as follows:

  • California

  • Hawaii

  • New Hampshire

  • New York

  • Pennsylvania

  • Virginia

  • Oklahoma

[Note: Some state-specific dependencies influence the information able to be collected through data pulls.]

If you experience issues associated with Fenris reports/data pulls, please reach out to our support team from the "Help & Support" tab or via email; we'll be happy to take a look.

We've provided an "override" option to ensure that SALT allows the request to happen even when the state is restricted. By selecting "override," you're stating: “I know it’s restricted, but try anyway."

Why didn't the Fenris report include all driver's license names & numbers?

The Fenris report will include license plate information, which is important for states like Massachusetts as they require plate info for binding. The report does not, however, include the names or license numbers of individuals under 18.

At the top of the Fenris report, the insured is asked “Are there any 16 or 17-year-olds in the household?”, which provides the answer to the aforementioned question.

What does Fenris: "Success - No VIN" mean?

When a Fenris report returns "Success - No VIN," it means they've found drivers & verified the address, but were unable to find any VIN numbers.

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