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Submissions 101: Getting Started
Submissions 101: Getting Started

Learn all about SALT submissions

Updated over 9 months ago

Your most recent submissions can be viewed from your SALT home page. Navigate to the Submissions section for a full catalog of submissions processed by your agency (as seen below).

Submission Types

A SALT form can be created and completed through various methods. We distinguish these differences by categorizing each submission as either Consumer Submitted or Agency Generated, as illustrated below.

Consumer Submitted Submissions -

  • A consumer submitted submission is initiated whenever a form's link (URL) is opened in a browser and basic information is entered. While this process typically starts when a SALT agent sends a link to a consumer to fill out the form, it's not the only method.

  • Agents can also create consumer-submitted submissions by:

    • Navigating to their Forms section,

    • Opening a form's link in a new tab.

      Once the agent enters basic contact information, the entry will appear in their Submissions list as a "Consumer Submitted" submission.

Agency Generated Submissions -

Agency Generated submissions are created internally within the SALT system and are ideal for a manual intake method.

[Note: When an agent fills out an agency generated submission, the full SALT library of questions will be presented.

If you want to honor the customized questions/options you've stipulated within a form, you'll need to fill out a "Consumer Generated" form by navigating to your Forms section, and opening one of the URL links in a new browser tab or window.]

Agency-generated submissions must be synced manually, which can be done by:

  1. Navigating to the Lines Of Business tab,

  2. Tapping the sync button(s) within the Rater Status box (bottom-left corner of a submission).

To create an agency-generated submission:

  • Method 1) Navigate to Submissions, and select New Submission.

  • Method 2) Open the Quick Actions menu (4 squares, bottom-right), and select New Submission.

Submission Layout

When you access a submission, you'll find three tabs: Overview (currently selected), Lines of Business, and Documents. These tabs contain all the information associated with the submission.

'Overview' Tab -

When you've selected a submission from either your homepage or the list displayed in your Submissions section, you'll land on the submission's Overview tab.

At the top of a submission's overview, you'll see a basic submission summary including the prospect's Name, submission status ("New"), quote type ("Multi-line"), and tags indicating any additional LOBs requested.

While the majority of the 'Overview' tab is self-explanatory, here are a few key items to remember:

  • [DETAILS] - Contains the Submission ID (commonly requested by support & development), who the submission is Assigned To, the Inbound Form associated, and the Rater Sync Status.

  • [TIMELINE] - Indicates certain events related to the submission including when it was started/completed, when tags were added, when it was synced to the rater, etc.

  • [INTEGRATION DATA] - Contains the reports retrieved from our Big Data vendors, Estated (property data), and Fenris (auto/driver data).

    • [Note: Some of the data received in these reports will auto-fill into the SALT submission. (See SALT Data Credits 101 for more info.)]

  • [ADD COMMENT] - This is a free-form text field where agents can add updates to the submission timeline, especially helpful for keeping track of verbal conversations. Comments are not visible to prospects and are only intended for internal SALT use.

'Lines Of Business' Tab -

Your Lines Of Business tab contains the majority of the quote information collected from the prospect or entered by the agent, separated by category (Insured, Home, Auto, etc.).

Within the [Details] box on the left, you'll find the submission ID, the submission entry's date/time, and the associated form.

Below that, you'll see which lines have been selected for this quote, and below that, you'll find the Rater Sync Status and the buttons to manually sync/re-sync a submission to your rater.

The remaining information is contained within its associated category and can be edited using the Edit Submission button at the top right.

  • [Note: When editing submission info, you may see the following warning. This prompt explains that once you've claimed a submission for editing, the prospect will no longer receive the reminders sent by SALT to complete their submission, and they will no longer have access to make changes in their submission.]

'Documents' Tab -

Your submission's Documents tab allows you to manually upload documentation received from the prospect. However, prospects can upload documents from their end as well, in which case, you'd find that documentation here.

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