Form Settings

Learn about Form settings and how you can customize Forms to fit your agency's needs.

Updated this week

Each form has specific settings that can be configured to your agency's needs.

To Configure Form Settings:

  1. Navigate to the Forms section.

  2. Select the form you'd like to configure.

  3. Tap the Settings tab indicated by the red arrow in the screenshot below.​

Below, you'll find a brief description of each field you're able to adjust from the "Settings" tab within a form.

  • Branding — Set a custom branding logo for this specific form. If no image is entered here, the form will default to the brand set in the agency-level Settings.

  • Assignment — Choose which employee is assigned to receive notifications for submissions linked to this form, and create tags that can be applied to each submission.

  • Access — Choose who in your agency can view, edit, and use a specific Form.

  • Embed — Get an embed code to provide to your web developer to host this form on your website.

  • Open Graph — Customize the social details displayed when this form is shared via social platforms or SMS messages.

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