Fize Removal

Read about the removal of Fize (dec page provider) and how it affects you as a SALT subscriber.

Updated over a week ago

Fize, our data integration partner responsible for declaration page retrieval, has abruptly terminated its services and ceased operations. The decision to terminate services was made by Fize's board without prior notice.


Fize functioned as an API integration tool within our infrastructure, aiding in the streamlined retrieval of insurance coverages and Declaration Pages directly from policyholders.

Agents were able to include this step (pictured below) in a form’s question flow. This allowed prospects the ability to sign into their carrier to retrieve said documentation, which would then be attached to the submission.

Immediate Actions

In response to Fize's termination, we have removed Fize's functionality from our systems. We will be exploring alternative options through other providers, but there is currently no timeline to communicate on this.

Transition Process

While the Fize step is no longer an option within the form flow, SALT still provides you with options to collect Declaration Pages and other requested documentation from a prospect.

Method 1: [Conclusion > Documents Form Step]

  • Adding the Documents step within the Conclusion category will give the prospect an easily accessible option to upload requested documentation. Once you’ve added the Documents step to a form, you can edit the subtext to your liking, as pictured below.

    Once a prospect uploads the documentation, it will automatically attach to the submission in the “Documents” tab.

    To add the Documents step to a form's flow:

    1. Navigate to

    2. Select the form you wish to configure.

    3. Scroll down to the Conclusion category, and tap the + or “Add Step” option.

    4. Select the Documents step.

Method 2: [Manually Upload Documents]

  • SALT subscribers can manually upload documents to a submission by completing the steps below.

    1. Navigate to a submission.

    2. Select the Documents tab.

    3. Select Upload Document.


Why did Fize terminate its services?

  • The decision was made by Fize's board without prior notice. The specifics surrounding their decision remain unclear.

How will this impact SALT's services?

  • We understand the importance of declaration pages for our users and will be exploring alternative solutions; however, the capability to collect dec pages and other documentation is still present within SALT’s infrastructure. (See Transition Process above.)

What steps is SALT taking to address this situation?

  • We've removed Fize's functionality from our systems and are exploring potential alternative options through other providers.

    SALT maintains ongoing engagements with potential integration partners to continually broaden its network. While the loss of this particular data partner is unfortunate, we're committed to sourcing new ones, ensuring a diverse ecosystem that meets your agency's needs.

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