The Dec Page Request system allows agents to request declaration pages directly from consumers. Depending on the status of the request, agents may be able to reset and resend requests. Below is an outline of how the system works and what to expect when using it.
Requesting a Declaration Page
Step 1: Clicking the "Declaration Page Request" Button
Clicking this button triggers a modal that allows the agent to request a missing declaration page.
Understanding the Modal States
Case 1: No Existing Dec Page Requests
If there are no prior Dec page requests, the agent will see the standard modal containing the generated link to request the Dec page.
Case 2: Existing Dec Page Requests
If one or more dec page requests already exist, a new preliminary modal will appear. That modal provides an overview of the request statuses.
If the dec page request is in a resettable state (Pending, Unprocessed, or Skipped), agents can take action, as seen below.
Request Statuses & Resetting Requests
Resettable States:
If a dec page request is in any of the following statuses, it can be reset by the agent:
Pending (Awaiting action from the consumer)
Unprocessed (Not yet acted upon)
Skipped (Previously ignored or bypassed)
New Status: "Agent Requested"
Clicking the "Request Unreceived Declaration Pages" button resets these statuses to Agent Requested.
This status change provides visibility to the agent that a follow-up request was manually triggered.
Once the button is clicked, the request(s) are reset and the Dec page request link is displayed.
Final Status: All Dec Pages Received
Once all requested dec pages are received, they are no longer resettable, and the agent will no longer see the option to request them again.
This update enhances agent control and visibility over dec page requests, ensuring a more streamlined and transparent process.
If you have questions, please reach out to our support team for assistance.